Coke Solutions

Minute Maid Kids+®

Minute Maid is the No. 1 fruit and vegetable juice brand in the world in terms of combined retail volume sales in 20111. Minute Maid Kids+® Orange Juice provides superior nutritional fortification with Vitamins A, B1, C, , D, E & Calcium in a flavor that kids love. The calcium and vitamin D combination helps support growing bones, and antioxidant vitamins A, C and E help to maintain a normal, healthy immune system. Kids will love the pulp-free taste!

1Source: Euromonitor International Limited; total volume sales including retail volume sales in litres based on 2011 data.

Product Category Juice & Juice Drinks
Brand Positioning

Minute Maid youth products contain calcium and vitamin C that moms want for their kids.

Target Audiences Millennials , Parents with Young Children
Features and Benefits

Juice is regarded as a tasty beverage across a wide range of consumers. Minute Maid offers moms healthy options for their children and has a strong reputation among consumers as a brand that is trustworthy and is associated with quality and health

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